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Bangladesh opens Mosque for Hijra Community

By News   Desk

Bangladesh has opened its doors to the transgender hijra community with the inauguration of a mosque, offering a sanctuary for worship without discrimination.

Located near Mymensingh, north of Dhaka, the modest structure stands as a symbol of inclusion for a minority long marginalized in society. This initiative comes as Bangladesh has officially recognized the hijra community as a third gender since 2013.

"I never dreamt I could pray at a mosque again in my lifetime," expressed Sonia, one of the community members, reflecting on her journey from exclusion to acceptance.

Despite legal strides, hijras still face deep-seated prejudice and limited rights, particularly in property and marriage matters. However, the opening of this mosque marks a significant step forward in their quest for recognition and equality.

Mufti Abdur Rahman Azad, the mosque's founder, hailed the initiative as a milestone, emphasizing the importance of embracing diversity within the Muslim community.

The mosque not only serves as a place of worship but also includes a graveyard, addressing the community's need for dignified burial rites. This inclusive approach stands in stark contrast to the discrimination often faced by hijras in traditional Muslim cemeteries.

Imam Abdul Motaleb, echoing the sentiments of tolerance and compassion, emphasized that all individuals, regardless of gender identity, are entitled to worship freely and without prejudice.

Through initiatives like this mosque, Bangladesh is challenging societal norms and fostering greater acceptance and understanding of its transgender population.
