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Pakistan: Abduction of a minor Hindu girl sparks protests in Sindh

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Priya Kumari

Protests have erupted in Dera Murad Jamali city of Pakistan's Balochistan following the abduction of a young Hindu girl reportedly taken from Sukkur city in Sindh province a few days ago.

Expressing condemnation over the abduction, members of Pakistan's minority Hindu community took to the streets in Dera Murad Jamali, demanding action against the girl's kidnappers and urging the Sindh government to ensure her safe return.

The protesters, including local traders, voiced their frustration, accusing the Sindh government of incompetence in tracing and rescuing Priya Kumari, the abducted Hindu girl from Sukkur city. They carried placards and raised slogans against the provincial government, alleging that such abductions have become routine in the province and that the security situation for religious minorities in Sindh has deteriorated.

Led by senior Hindu leaders Mukhi Manak Lal and Seth Tara Chand, the protest drew participants from various segments of society, including influential Muslim leaders such as Taj Baloch representing traders, Liaqat Ali Chakar from JI's youth wing, and Mir Jan Mengal, president of the wholesale market, among others.

The leaders urged Pakistan Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif and Sindh Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah to take immediate and decisive action to secure the safe return of the girl and ensure justice for the minority community.

The protesters warned of nationwide demonstrations if their demands are not addressed. Human Rights Focus Pakistan (HRFP) has also strongly condemned the religious persecution of minorities in Pakistan, urging the incoming government to enact legislation ensuring equal rights for all communities.
