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US Sanctions Four Chinese Firms For Supporting Pakistan's Missile Program

By News   Desk

In a move aimed at disrupting proliferation networks, the United States has imposed sanctions on four entities accused of acquiring materials for Pakistan's ballistic missile projects, including its long-range missile endeavors.

According to a press statement from the US government, the sanctioned companies include three based in China - Xi'an Longde Technology Development Company Limited, Tianjin Creative Source International Trade Co Ltd, and Granpect Company Limited - as well as Belarus's Minsk Wheel Tractor Plant.

The US alleged that these entities have provided items applicable to Pakistan's ballistic missile programs, engaging in activities that "significantly contribute to or pose a risk of substantially contributing to the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction or their delivery systems."

Xi'an Longde is accused of supplying missile-related equipment like a filament winding machine likely intended for Pakistan's National Development Complex (NDC), which is crucial for manufacturing rocket motor cases.

Tianjin Creative Source allegedly provided stir welding equipment and a linear accelerator system contributing to Pakistan's production and inspection of ballistic missiles developed by its Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission (SUPARCO).

Meanwhile, Granpect collaborated with SUPARCO and NDC to facilitate the supply of testing equipment for large-diameter rocket motors, the statement said.

The Belarusian company Minsk Wheel Tractor Plant supplied a specialized vehicle chassis aiding launch support for missiles developed by NDC.

In imposing these sanctions, the US reiterated its commitment to bolstering international non-proliferation efforts by deterring and dismantling networks involved in weapons of mass destruction worldwide.

The sanctions effectively block all property and interests of the designated entities in the US, while prohibiting any transactions with them by American individuals or businesses unless specifically exempted.

The action comes amid ongoing tensions between the US and Pakistan over the latter's nuclear ambitions and allegiances. Observers view it as part of intensifying efforts to curb proliferation activities posing global threats.
